DM Vasquez Insurance is your local business Insurance expert. We can assist any small to medium size business in the state of Arizona with their:
- General Liability for nearly every type of contractor and business
- Business Owners Packages
- Commercial Auto Insurance, including Livery, Trucking, Tow Trucks, package deliver and most every type of commercial service vehicle
- Professional Liability
- Workers Compensation through multiple top carriers in Arizona
- Surety Bonds
- Commercial Property
- Special Events Liability
- Livery Insurance
- Hard to place risks
- Certificates of Insurance with Additional Insured Requests including CG 2010, CG 2037, Waivers of Subrogation, etc.

If your business is a small one man operation all the way to 100 employees, we can help find you the best market for you. We offer top rated insurance for most commercial risks, and if you do not fit that appetite, we can place you with one of many other carriers we offer including Progressive, Liberty Mutual, Travelers, Guard, Nationwide, CNA, USLI, Burlington, Hartford, AmTrust, Scottsdale Indemnity and many more just to name a few. We offer many payment options, and if you are unable to come in to the office, we can come to you. Give us a call and talk to us about any of your Commercial Insurance needs